Health Care Reform

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Can we afford It

Who will Pay for It

President Obam and the Democrats want to provide Health Care to the 47 million of uninsured Citizens and illegal immigrants. The President and Democrats propose to tax citizens making more than $350,000 annually to pay for Health insurance by increase taxation. Because he believe they benefited the most when the economy and housing were booming. The question is is that fair to pass on the cost to those that invested wisely? thereby creating their own wealth My answer is no, it is not fair to those that invested prudently. But even while taxing the wealth it is projected that the Middle Class-You and I-will see our taxes increase to pay the Trillion dollar or more price tag for uninsured Americans and illegal immigrants.

An argument can be made that we should provide Health Insurance for all Americans. But can the same argument be made for us to provide Health Insurance for the millions of illegal immigrants already here. My answer is yes to the former and no to the latter questions.

Last Wednesday, July 22, 2009 President was being interviewed and the interviewer asked will illegal immigrants be covered under His Health Care Plan? He answered no. That is a reversal. from his privious position to include illegal immigrants.  Also, House Speaker Nancy Posisi and the La Raza Hispanic organization stated that illegal immigrants would be included under President Obama's plan.

I believe that both the President and the House Speaker have heard opposition, to the inclusion of illegal immigrants, from numerous American Citizens opposing the inclusion of illegal immigrants. Therefore, their reversal is a result of opposition from us.

Is Health Insurance a Right or a Privilege?

I do not believe that HealthInsurance is a right. I believe it is a privilege. Historically, Health Insurance has been paid for by contributions from the employer and the employee thereby sharing the cost of Health Insurance equally. But the premise of the President and the Democrats is that Governmet is responsible for providing Health Insurance or access to Health Care for all its citizens including those here illegally. That is a false premise not support by emperical data. Government has never provide Health Insurance for all its citizens and illegal immigrants. But the Government have a program in place Medicare that provide access for millions of citizens and childrens of illegal immigrants.  

Medicare Is not a panacea it has many flaws such as high co-payment, costly prescription coverage and abuse. Before, I was forced on Medicare care my co-payment was $5.00 for Doctor visits and $5.00 for prescriptions. But when I was forced on Medicare both co-payments increased. Dr. visits increased to $20 dollars and co-payment for prescriptions varied and increased significantly from the $5.00. Now my co-pay varies from prescription to prescription but often is $10 or more. Therefore, because of the uncertainty I charge my prescriptions.

Health Care Debate  2009-08-04

After much research and listening to the Debate from both political parties. I have learned that the proposed Health Care Reform was being discussed with President Obama and the Democratic Party during the primaries. The apparent impetus for Health Care Reorm originated from the Auto Industry, Airlines, and Auto parts manufacturers concerned about the increasing cost of Health Care and its impact on their viability.

Consequently, those companies began to support the Democrat's plan for National Health Care Reform as a means to ensure their survival. The Government option is a critical component to the Health Care Reform supported by businesses because Government will provide Health Care funded with tax payers dollars-our taxes. Thereby, allowing them to opt out of providing Health Care for their employees.

House Speaker, Nancy Polesi 2009-08-13 and the House Majority Leader have labeled American Citizens that oppose the House Health Care Reform Bill HR 302 as Un-American. When has it become Un-American to oppose or disagree with our elected officials on important issues such as Healh Care Reform. The main issues are cost (who will pay for it), and the perception that too many changes are being proposed by the President and Democratic Party. The House Version that came out of the committee has not been introduced to the full House of Representatives to be voted on. And a few of the House of Representative have read the 100+ pages can explain what the bill contains. But most members do not know the full contents of the bill.

But for Congress person Nancy Polsi (D) to label American as Un-American is disingenous and one reason that American Citizens does not trust this administration and the Democrats. I liken her label to the label used by the x-President Bush as Un-Patriotic for opposing the Iraq war. Therefore, the same tatic is being used by the Democrat's to demean those of us that oppose the expansion/take over of Health Care Reform by big Government in our daily lives

A Large majority-even those that supported President Obama- does not TRUST HIM and the DEMOCRATS-espeicallY-the House Speaker-that keeps rebuffing our First Amendment rights of Free Speech.

There appears to be some movement-concensus on the outline of proposed Health Care Reform bills being debated. The President on Sunday stated that he might be receptive to droppint the Public Option. But the real question once a bill is reconciled between the House of Representative bill and the Senate will the Health Care Program be cost effective? and the second question with President Obama pushing Amnesty-Comprehensive Immigration Reform-will he insist that they have access to tax payer funded Health Care.

2009-08-19 Update: Apparently, the Democrat's want Health Care Reform they are want to push their version without bi-partisan support. But the Majority of American oppose the Democrats vagued reform and do not Trust the government. The question is if American oppose it and do not trust government-The Democrats-why push it through?

Although, President Obama and the Democrat's claims that Illegal immigrants will not receive Health Care under the proposed Health Care Reform package. But with the President and the Democrat's determination to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Amnesty) is an end run around the the bill if passed. They will automically be eligible for Health Care once granted Citizenship without contributing one cent in taxes- with funded with tax payers money. Therefore, we should not celebrate until we defeat Comprehensive Immigration Reform-Amnesty.

Up date: 2009-08-28 Illegal Immigrants access to Health Care under proposed Health Care Reform Program

The Democrats and President Obama have been lying to Us- American Citizens about the proprosed Health Care Reform Bill.  The President and Democrats including Representative McNerney when asked if the bill included provisions for illegal immigrants responded by saying NO. Infact their answer is an out right lie. Their is a provision that will grant access to illegal immigrants in the Health Care Reform Bill. I called My representative office to share my outrage,and  distrust in him. He has repeatedly been quized by constituents at Town Hall Meetings and Telephone Conferences about that provision and He repeatedly denied it existed. But that was a fabrication. And President Obama has vociferously denied that the proposed bill included any language that would allow illegal immigrants acces to Health Care. He out right lied at Town Hall Meetings. Therefore, when he mention misinformation, distortions of the the Reform bill, he is the person providing the misinformation and distortions. He can not be relied or believed to tell the truth.

We Must Not Trust President Obama and the Democrats, nor should we pass Health Care Reform for the memory of the late Senator Ted Kennedy. He never worked a day in his life and was a super liberal.  

Social Security Reform will be the next Target 2009-08-04

The next target of the President Obama and the Democrats is Social Security Reform.  Social Security is a system wherein employers and employees contribute to the Social Security Trust Fund through taxation. The Social Security Trust program takes in billions of dollars yearly and  continues to have surpluses in excess of $150 billion (with interest incurred the fund would still be solvent beyone 2042) but recently the Social Security Administration analysis determined that it will be able to meet it current obligation through 2042 but thereafter will only be able to meet three quarters ot it obligations-that recepients will receive 3/4 of their earned benefits.

As most know the Social Security Trust Fund would have been able to provide promised benefits,if, politicians had not raided the Trust Fund to fund various wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) and other programs. Therefore, to fully fund the Social Security Trust Fund to meet its obligations a $2 trillion fusion would be required. But instead of repaying the funds taken from the Trust Fund with interest President Obama propose to increase the age and reduce benefits to shore up the shortfall. In other words, the President want to penalize those that have contributed to the Social Security Program with the expectation of receiving full benefits at retirement.

Bankruptcy Filings and Savings: 2009-08-04

Americans have always saved less (lagged behind)than every other industrialized countries. For example China's citizens saving rate was 16% compared to our 4.6% in June 2009 and at one time our saving rate was a negative. We Americans save less and are encumbered with debt, credit Card debt, automobile debt and high mortgage debt. Apparently, we Americans want all of the bells and whistles at one time instead of saving for them. We Americans tend to buy the boat and the expensive SUV. Resulting in little or no disposal income. Disposal income is that money that remains after all bills are paid. Families typicall use that disposal money for family outing. Now theris is no savings, no disposal income and Credit Cards are frequently used to charge minute items csoting $5.00 or less.

We Americans shoul save more to purchase that big ticket item; save for family outings; have a rainy day fund (emergency Saving account); delay buying; and purchase affordable starter homes and increase saving accounts.

The result is bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is up 34%. That means more people are unemployed, underemployed, have more debt than savings and are upside down. We Americans must correct this cycle of indebtness and live within our means. That means delaying buying items because it feels good. If you do not need it do not buy it. That also means we must save more, spend less and reverse this downward cycle of indebtness-indenturedness.

Who is making the sacrafice ? Dated 10/09/2009 

President stated that during these economic times Every One should make the Sacrafice. But the groups making that sacrafcie are Social Security Recipients (Senior Citizens) and Federal Retirees. Recently, the President sign a wage increase of 2 % for all Federal Employees and the House of Representatives and Senate Employees received a 5% wage increase. Therefore, the question of who is making the sacrafice is appropriate. Those not receiving COLA increases are the ones that need the increase the most. The administration made the announcement in September a month before the COLA is normally announced that their will be no COLA increase for Social Security recipients and Federal employees that receive the same increase.

The message was alarming that for 2 years-2010 and 2011 Social Security Recipients will not receive the much needed increase. How can that be? The data included to make the determination does not include cost of prescription, rent increase, and gas. Those cost should be factored in to adequately gage the COSt of Living for Seniors on fix incomes. Hopefully, with the pressure on Congress and the Senate this miscarriage will be corrected and Social Security recipients will receive the minimum increase. In 1983 President Regan signed a bill authoring an increase after determining that COLA will not be given to Scocial Security recipients. Therefore, it is still possible that Congress and the Senate will authorize an increase.