Black Americans Differing Opinions/Immigration Reform

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Philosophy and Political Awareness

have always believed that each person should have their own opinion on any issue and should support whatever person share their Philosophy and Ideology. Every since Barack Obama, now President Barack Obama, was elected President, during discussions some Black Americans take exception when I don't agree with his agenda. Some believe that because he is African American every Black American should be supportive of his agenda. Remember I referred to him as African American and us as Black Americans there is a difference. But the fact is because he is African American does not give him a pass. If we neglect our responsitility to voice our opposing opinion and criticize those proposals that does not benefit Black Americans we will be remiss. We have a responsibility to agree or disagree with whom ever is President. That is why there are more than one Political Party because of differencing belief on many issues that affect this country. Smae Sex marriage and Illegal immigration are two.

Black Americans shold never be in one camp. During the Civil War Slaves (free-men) were in both camps some spying and providing intelligence to the other and others because the promise of freedom. Furthermore, we have never been a monolithic race. we are descendants of many warring tribes, therefore, I bebuff/dismiss the notion that I (we) should agree with the Brother as someone referred to him. I dislike his policies and his bulling of States. California has a 42 billion dollar budget shortfall,therefore, whether I approved of it or disapproved the Governor reduced and with held pay raises for government workers. The Governor has the right under the law. But President Obama administration has threatened to withhold the stimulus noney if the pay is not restored. That is being a bully. President Obama has also proposed not to pay states for imprisoned illegal immigrants which is the Federal Government responsibility. His motive is to bully states not to enforce immigration laws by not reimbursing states for incarcerated illegal immigrants. Remember, if the Federal Government do not reimburse states that cost falls on the taxpaying citizens.

Recently, I learned that 100's of Mexican students are crossing the border daily to attend schools in this country. Isn't that alarming ,that we can quantify the number crossing the border and illegally attending our schools at American taxpayers but their is not any action by our government to stop this practice? This is another idictment of this administration and former administration that our taxes are paying to educate non-citizens. When is our government going to take its responsibility to its citizens seriously. The Democrats including President Obama are sending us a very succinct and coherent message and that message is. We (them) are not going to enforce any immigration laws that sends the wrong message to the Latino/Hispanic groups that helped elect him (President Obama)and he promised to discontinue the workplace enforcement raids by ICE. Therefore, We American Citizens need to counter act these failures by demanding that all immigration laws be enforced, especally those that are readily enforceable.

 The E-Verify Program and "NoMatch" Program

President Obama plan to delay implementation of the E-Verify Program that is used by employers to determine if an application is authorized to work in the United States. The E-Verify Program is 99.5% accurate. It provides employer with enhanced tools to prevent them from hiring illegal immigrants. More than 100,000 employers are currently using the programs and thousand more have applied to use the program. But President Obama plan to continue postponing the program because it identifies unauthorized applicants before hiring them.

The "No Match" Program is used to determine if Social Security numbers are fraud. The system rejects Social Security numbers that were not issued and those Social Security numbers that belong to a citizens. The No Match Program protects Citizens from fraudulent use of your Social Security number. Illegal immigrants use other people Social Security to apply for jobs and to apply for Social Security benefits you earned. Again, President Bush plan to terminate the No Match Program because it prohibits from securing jobs.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Shoudn't American Citizens be the Focus ? Not illegal immigrants

Comprehensive Immigration Reform <code for amnesty> is on President Obama agenda. This is the same agenda he supported as a Congressman during ex-President Bush Administration. When Comprehensive Immigration Reform was introduced by the Democrats and supported by President Bush but fellow Republicans opposed the bill. The Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill was opposed by 76% of American Citizens their was outrage that that those illegal immigrants that violated our laws would be rewarded for for their illegal entry with Amnesty. However, the Bill was defeated. But now We have to defeat it again because a determined President promised the Pro-Hispanic/Latino groups, in Las Vegas, that he would pass the Amnesty bill. We must defeat this bill again because Amnesty given to 20 or more illegal immigrants harms all Americans but harms Black American the most.

Thursday June 25, 2009 President announced that a meeting was conducted with supporters of Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  His objective is to convience American Citizens that the 20 million  or more illegal immigrants already here should be granted Amnesty.

Immigration. secure borders and terrorism are linked, not because all immigrants are terrorists, but because nearly all terrorists in the west have been immigrants. Terrorist have manipulated the openess of the United States and exploted American's traditions of inclusion, invoking the compassion expressed in our laws to enable their crimes.

It has been reported that criminal illegal aliens are being treated at a cost of about $400 million, that illegals collect over $240 million in CALWORDS payment and $180 million in Food Stamps. California alone spends between $4 to $5 billion yearly on illegal immigrant aliens.   

I am a firm believer that those that are here "llegally" by violating our laws should be deported. I have discussed the issue of Comprehensive Immigration Reform with many Citizens with the majority 9to 1 opposed to the President plan. In discussions the refrain is always the same "illegal is illegal" meaning that the illegal immigrant aliens broke our laws and continue to break our laws every day by being here. That is the opinion of Mexican Americans, White Americans, and Black Americans. Therefore, those polled want the President to enforce current immigrant laws.

CNN Comentator reported that 63 of the 147 Mexican gang members, known as "Varrio Hawaiian Gardens" and referred to VhG "Hate Gang" were systematical engaged in efforts to rid the city of Hawaiian Gardens of all African Americans. That incident was again reported in the Stockton Record NewsPaper and subsequently reported by the Manteca Buletin Newspaper. Both Newspapers reported that 147 Mexican Gang Members were arrested consisted of illegal Mexicans and Mexican Americans. The raid was a coordinated effort by the federal and local agencies. As reported"The Mexican/Latino street gang waged a racist campaign that included attempted murders and other crimes against African/Black Americans while flooding the city with guns and drugs according to federal racketeering indictments unsealed Thursday".

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and Los Angeles Police Chief Bratton argured about whether racial bias was a significant factor in gang crimes while Police Chief Bratton disagreed that race was a factor. But County Sheriff Lee Baca stated that race was a factor by systemically perptrating crimes against Black/African to rid the city of all Black/African Americans. . I concur with Sheriff Lee Baca that racism by Mexican legal/illegal gang members was the main factor. Los Angeles is a sanctuary city where-in the City Mayor and Police Chief Bratton does not enforce immigration laws.

The Police Chief and the Mayor (Whom is Hispanic) do not want us to focus on crimes committed by illegal immigrants against Black American Citizens or any citizen because the Mayor plan to run for Governor in the next election. And the Mayor do not want citizens(Black Americans) to learn that by not enforcing the laws, illegal immigrants are committing against their people. The Mayor also knows that President Obama promised the Hispanic Activists that voted for him during the election that illegal immigrants are being arrested could chang public opinion. Any publicity that informed the Citizens of crimes committed by illegal immigrants will undermind the debate on Amnesty for the 20 millions or more illegal immigrants already here. Therefore. Police Chief Bratton motive is deny and protect the city from criticism from outraged Black Americans. 

We American Citizens collectively should protest, call or e-mail our elected officials and demand that they demand that immigration laws be enforced and demand that they oppose/vote against any bill that will give illegal immigrants already here citizenship. American Citizens that reside in Los Angeles should not support or vote for the Mayor or any  Mayor of a Sanctuary City (Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco) for Governor. If those that will not enforce all laws then they should not be Governor of California. The same position should be applied to President Obama. If, He continue to support Amnesty for illegal immigrants and not enforce all laws then he should not be reelected or should be impeached.

American Self-Perceptions of Being the Chosen People and Nation CHosen by God. This national self-importance is no secret, at home or abroad. For centruies Americans have believed themselves special, a people and nation chosen by God to play a unique and even redemptive role in lthe world. Elected leaders tend to proselytize and promote this exceptionalism -presidential inaugural adresses are frequent venue--without appendingthe necessary historical cautions. Previous nations whose leaders and people believed much the same thing wound up deeply disillusioned, as when Spanish armadas were destroyed while flying holy banners at their mastheads, and when World War 1 German belt buckles proclaiming "Gott Mit Uns" became objects of derision in the Kaiser's defeated army. 

President recently traveled to Cairo, Egypt to give a speech to the Moslems. Why would he give a speech to them? after stating he is not a Moslem. That appears to be a contradiction. With all of the problems, American Citizens are experiencing from loss of jobs, reduce wages, furloughs, rising cost of gas at the pump and states increasing taxes on citizens, Why would not solve the aray of problems faced at home, the USA? The answer is simple, he prefers to travel and communicate with those of similar faith.

But the apathy in Black Communities lacking understanding or not caring does not question why. It appears that Black Americans, educated and not educated have taken a passive position reminiscenct of Slavery "The Master complex". The slave mentality by not listening that his message never mention the plight of Black Americans in this country. And therefore, do not challenge him or critize him for not being focuse on issues facing Black Americans. As his Amnesty agenda move forward Black Americans will soon learn that it will be more difficult to made progress toward the American Dream-of accomplishment.